Casinhas e mais... :: Little Houses and more...

Fiquei tão inspirada com as casinhas que vi no blog Retro Mama que decidi colocar mãos à obra e começar a fazer as minhas.
Fi-las grandes, com a intenção de serem porta-chaves, mas achei que ficavam enormes para esse propósito. Então, fi-las pequenas e com o tamanho certo para esse fim.
A seguir quero fazer uma grande, com o tamanho de uma almofada. Acho que vai ficar linda!
No fim, acho que vou ficar com um bairro inteiro! :-)

Tantas ideias e tão pouco tempo...


I was so inspired by the little houses I saw on Retro Mama's blog that I decided to start making my own.
I made two with the "normal" size, with the intention that they became key chains, but then I realized they were way to big for that. Then, I made them small and with just the right size for what I wanted.
Next, I want to make a big one, with the size of a regular pillow. I think it will look awesome!
At the end, I guess I will have a whole neighborhood! :-)

So many ideias, so little time...

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