Cavalo de pau :: Stick horse

O que fazer com calças que já não têm remendo, com restos de pano e com um pau de vassoura? Um cavalo de pau, claro!

Vi esta ideia no blog Ikat Bag e resolvi experimentar. Foi uma tarefa mais difícil do que esperava, mas o resultado final valeu bem a pena, não acham?


What to do with pants that you can't fix anymore, fabric scraps and a broom stick? A stick horse, of course!

I saw this in this blog Ikat Bag and decided to try. It was a harder task than I expected, but the end result was well worth it, eh?


  1. Vanda, it turned out very, very cute! And I love the mane! So glad you gave it a shot, and that you invited me here so I could see and admire it!! Thank you!

  2. No, Lier... Thank YOU for being so inspiring! I love your work!
