Pássaro :: Bird

Na enorme comunidade de blogs que circulam por aí e que uso como fontes de inspiração, há alguns que sigo quase diariamente.
Um deles é o Indollgences, que me chamou à atenção devido a uns pequenos e fofos pássaros que a autora faz, em feltro e que acho adoráveis.

Quis experimentar a minha versão em tecido. Fiz o molde aproximado e o resultado foi este:


In the large blogging community around and that I use as inspiration sources, there are some that I follow almost daily.
One is the Indollgences, that caught my attention because of some small and cute birds that the author does, in felt and that I find adorable.

Wanted to try my version in fabric. I designed the approximate pattern and the result was this:

É mesmo isto! :: I couldn't have said it better!

Na minha incessante pesquisa por livros e outras fontes de inspiração para os meus trabalhos, encontrei este livro e, ao espreitar as primeiras páginas, deparei-me com esta pequena introdução:

"Why do you craft? Are you compelled to create something with your hands? Are you looking for ways to save money or reuse what would normally be wasted? Maybe you grew up in a home that valued creating things together, and you never stopped making stuff. Maybe it's like a therapy for you, or you enjoy designing, or maybe you just dig the process more than the end result."

Foi como uma lufada de ar fresco! Nestas simples palavras, senti-me definida em relação ao que gosto de fazer. É um bichinho, uma paixão, uma comichão! Mais, mais e mais...


In my incessant search for books and other sources of inspiration for my work, I found this book and, while peering from the first pages, I came across this short introduction:

"Why do you craft? Are you compelled to create something with your hands? Are you looking for ways to save money or reuse what would normally be wasted? Maybe you grew up in a home that valued creating things together, and you never stopped making stuff. Maybe it's like a therapy for you, or you enjoy designing, or maybe you just dig the process more than the end result."

It was like a breath of fresh air! In those simple words, I was defined in relation to what I enjoy doing. It is a bug, a passion, an itch, it's under my skin! More, more, more ...

Uma nova aventura :: A new adventure

Existe algo mais doce do que cupcakes?!
A resposta é: SIM! Tudo o que está relacionado com bebés e, por isso, decidi dedicar-me aos pequenitos, começando pelos pés e prometendo outros vôos para breve.
Espero que gostem!


Is there anything sweeter than cupcakes?!
The answer is: YES!
Everything that's related with babies and, therefore, I've decided to dedicate myself to the little ones, starting by their feet and promising new adventures soon. Hope you like it!